• Phone : 07977 577688
  • Address : 39 Carnalea Court, Galston, East Ayrshire, KA4 8HY

Our Services

  • Construction Quality Assurance (CQA)
  • On site Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW) / Advisor
  • Provision of Planning Permission
  • Waste Management Audits
  • Provision of Waste Management Licences (WML), PPC Permit, Exemptions and Environmental Permit applications, modifications, transfers or surrenders
  • N/SVQ Assessment for Waste Management awards
  • COTC and Interim Management cover
  • ISO / management systems and protocols for new or established sites
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • SPRI Returns
  • Waste Compositional Analysis

Construction Quality Assurance (CQA)

We provide CQA Plans for submission to the environmental regulator right through to the CQA Validation Report after completion of the project.

Our services include:

  • Site Investigation boreholes
  • Gas and groundwater boreholes
  • Leachate wells
  • Gas wells
  • Landfill Cell construction
  • Landfill cell capping
  • Lagoon construction
  • Pipework installation

On site Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW) / Advisor

We can provide onsite Environmental Advisor / Clerk of Works roles for any site that is required:

  • To provide proactive, specialist guidance and advice regarding environmental controls, constraints and legislation specific to the project, in the form of Environmental Management Plan, Environmental Risk Assessment, Constraints planning, procedures, standard forms, site briefings and toolbox talks.
  • To provide additional technical support and solutions to the Project as required
  • To organise, co-ordinate and manage specialist consultants on site by providing a scope of works relevant to operations and in-line with programme
  • To be fully aware of the project planning conditions / commitments agreed by the client, facilitate adherence to all elements, and report activities in relation to conditions and constraints to the client on a monthly basis
  • To effectively communicate the environmental constraints / risks specific to site, provide briefings / TBTs relevant to works and in-line with ecological / archaeological / hydrological (and any other) recommendations
  • To consult directly with regulators / stakeholders regarding situations that may require the acquisition of consents / licences / authorisations / permissions / comments. This includes applications and continued reporting to regulators throughout the project.
  • To organise and co-ordinate environmental mitigations on site in line with project programmes
  • To attend project meetings and effectively contribute to project discussions by indicating site sensitivities and management required
  • To ensure environmental training of the project team is current and training records are up to date
  • To ensure any emergency response plan is updated dynamically should issues arise
  • To ensure the Site Waste Management Plan is updated and reviewed, including the legal compliance of Waste Transfer Notes and Consignment Notes from contractors / subcontractors
  • To ensure that care is taken not to damage trees (including roots) and ensure TPO, Bat / Red Squirrel / bird and any other potential protected species have been checked prior to works and RPA (Root Protection Areas) are understood, communicated and British Standards are followed.
  • To ensure the reinstatement and restoration of sites is fully understood, planned into programme and documented
  • To ensure site water management is planned ahead of operations to prevent pollution and in line with regulatory controls
  • To conduct daily, weekly and monthly inspections of sites pre-construction, during construction and post construction and ensure all inspections are documented
  • To be available to organise and facilitate joint inspections / audits with the client and / or regulators
  • To investigate environmental incidents that occur on the project, report findings and actions required including (if required) comments from regulators.
  • Environmental Monitoring

 Provision of Planning Permission

Should you require planning permission for your site for a Waste Management Licence (WML), PPC Permit or any other waste operation then we can provide the complete application to the relevant local authority.

Please contact us for more details.

Waste Management Audits

If your company requires a waste management / WML / PPC Permit audit then our team can come to your site and provide the necessary inspections and appraisals and reviews to ensure compliance with all regulators.

Please contact us for more details.

Provision of Waste Management Licences (WML), PPC Permit, Exemptions and Environmental Permit applications, modifications, transfers or surrenders

If your site requires and exemption, Waste Management Licence, PPC Permit, Environmental Permit in order to carry out any waste activities then Roche Environmental can provide the complete application to the relevant Environmental Regulator.

If you WML or PPC Permit requires a modification / variation, transfer or surrender then we can also provide this service.

Please contact us for more details.

N/SVQ Assessment for Waste Management awards

Roche Environmental can provide training / assessment / mentoring for Level 1 to 4 S/NVQ awards.

Please contact us for more details.

ISO / management systems and protocols for new or established sites

Roche Environmental can provide integrated management systems for your company whether your site is new or already established.

These can be in-house management systems tailor suited to your company requirements or we can provide the following accredited systems:

  • ISO 9000:2015 – Quality Management System
  • ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management System
  • OHSAS 18001 – Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Please contact us for more details.

Environmental Monitoring

If your site requires environmental monitoring then our team can provide a wide array of services including:

  • On and off site gas monitoring
  • Groundwater level monitoring
  • Leachate level monitoring
  • Leachate, surface and groundwater monitoring
  • Trade effluent monitoring
  • Odour monitoring
  • Gas extraction systems monitoring
  • Flame Ionisation Detection (FID) surveys

We can provide background monitoring for potential new sites as well as ongoing monitoring, breach monitoring and all necessary reporting requirements to the client and all relevant regulators.

This includes weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual monitoring reports as required by licence / permit conditions.

Please contact us for more details.


SPRI Returns

The Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory (SPRI) is a database of annual mass releases of specified pollutants to air, water and land from SEPA regulated industrial sites. It also provides information about off-site transfers of waste from these sites.

From 2007, SPRI data has been used to fulfil the reporting requirements of the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR).

Should your site require to undertake a SPRI Return then please contact us for more details.

Waste Compositional Analysis

If your company needs to assess the composition of its waste streams then Roche Environmental can conduct a waste compositional analysis on your behalf.

Whether this is municipal, residual, recyclate, commercial or industrial waste streams, we can provide an analysis of the waste to tailor suit your individual needs

Please contact us for more details.